Psycho Billy Evaluation Test
- Name:
- You see a debutante named Deb getting assaulted by a fat man named Buck. You react by …
- Punching his lights out
- Looking for help
- Standing between them
- Talking him out of it
- Recognizing Buck’s face from the newspaper
- Stealing the gun from his back pocket
- Walking away and leave it to fate
- You are hired by Skip as crew for his ship. He places you …
- On the wheel
- In the bird’s nest as lookout
- lifting and carrying
- in the brig to prevent mutany
- as the navigator
- on the cannons
- on the front of the ship as a headmast
- Jacque wants to use you for the next football game. He asks you to be a …
- Tackle
- Referee
- Linebacker
- Cheerleader
- Coach
- Quarterback
- Mascot
- Rob is breaking into your house to steal your things. You..
- Hit him with an object
- Notice him early on and call the police
- Wrestle him to the ground and call for help
- Scare him by barking like a dog
- Wait for the security alarm to activate
- Shoot him with your gun
- Go back to sleep
- Suzy & Joe have invited you to her potluck dinner. You bring …
- Steak & Eggs
- Carrots & Peas
- Chicken & Vegetables
- Dessert
- Foreign Food
- Soup
- Nothing, it’s your birthday and Suzy insisted you didn’t.
- Rich has bought tickets to see Aba Kadabra who reads your fortune and sees …
- Great power
- That nothing escapes your notice
- A long life
- A sharp tongue
- A sharp mind
- Many leaps of faith
- Guardian angels
- How would you describe your appearance?
- Big brained
- Hamfisted
- Athletic
- Nerdy
- Broad shouldered
- Skinny
- Sexy
- Thick skulled
- Huge
- Youthful
- How would you describe your personality?
- I have a tendency to collect things
- I like to be left alone
- Fires make me happy
- I have difficulty telling the truth
- I prefer to stay out of danger
- Fuck you, I’ll do what I want
- I am not afraid of anything
- People like me
- I work well with others
- I know how to handle members of the opposite sex
- Tell me about your past.
- I used to wear spurs
- I fought in ‘Nam
- I could tell you but I would have to kill you
- I slayed my foes with my sword
- I have unearthed exotic artifacts
- I went to college
- I was in a movie or two
- I hit it big in Vegas
- I played a lot of sports as a kid
- I was a mild mannered news reporter by day.
- What is your favorite color?
- Red
- Blue
- Yellow
- White
- Purple
- Green
- What is the bestest most greatest game-show ever to grace this green earth?
- Psycho Billy’s House of Slaughter
- Psycho Billy’s House of Slaughter
- Psycho Billy’s House of Slaughter
- Psycho Billy’s House of Slaughter
- Psycho Billy’s House of Slaughter
- Psycho Billy’s House of Slaughter